Quantum Mechanics and Information: Experiments

Experimental realisation of Sub Shot Noise Quantum Imaging

aula DOTTORATO - venerdì 29 Settembre, ore 11.00
  Marco Genovese, INRiM, Torino

Born in Turin (Italy) Nov. 17 1967
"laurea" degree 1990 (University of Turin)
PhD 1994 (University of Turin)
Worked at CERN (Geneva) 1994-1995, Lyon University (FR) 1995-1996, Grenoble University
1996-1998, IENGF since 1998
Actually permanent researcher at IENGF

Today his activity concerns foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum information.

Marco Genovese

Quantum properties of the optical field represent a resource of the utmost relevance for the development of quantum technologies, allowing unprecedented results in disciplines ranging from quantum information and metrology to quantum imaging. A very interesting example is offered by the possibility of sub shot noise measurements with quantum optical states In particular a very interesting achievement would derive from the detection of weak objects by exploiting the quantum correlations of parametric down conversion (PDC) emission: a result that could have important practical applications. A little more in detail the principle of this technique is to take advantage of the correlation in the noise of two conjugated branches of PDC emission : in fact, subtracting the noise measured on one branch from the image of a weak object obtained in the other branch, the image of the object, eventually previously hidden in the noise, could be restored [1]. In this talk we will show how we have reached a sub shot noise [2] regime and then improved this result up to reach a regime where it was possible to achieve the first experimental realisation of sub shot noise imaging [3]. [1] Brambilla, E., Caspani, L., Jedrkiewicz, O., Lugiato, L. A. & Gatti, A. Phys. Rev. A 77, 053807 (2008). [2] G. Brida et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 213602 (2009). [3] G.Brida, M. Genovese, I. Ruo Berchera, Nature Photonics 4, 227 - 230 (2010).
