Workshop on Quantum Measurements and Operations for Criptography and Information Processing

Quantum Measurements and Operations for Criptography and Information Processing

Quantum TLSs and Kondo like traps as possible sources of decoherence in superconducting qubits

aula 326 - Martedì 24 maggio, ore 14.00
  LARA FAORO, Rutgers and Princeton University

Lara Faoro, studied at Trieste University and obtained his Ph.D at the Polytechnic of Turin in 2001. Currently she is working as postdoctoral associate at Rutgers and Princeton University.
Her main interests are related to the implementation of quantum information with mesoscopic devices.

Lara Faoro

Decoherence severely limits the performance of superconducting circuits based on Josephson junctions. Experiments performed on SET and superconducting qubits provide a wealth of information on the characteristics of the charge noise power spectrum both at high and low frequencies.
Prompted by the experimental results, we consider a model of dephasing due to the environment of weakly interacting quantum TLSs; we show that such environment might provide a significant source of dephasing but the detailed characteristics of the noise power spectrum are in a qualitative and quantitative disagreement with the data. We propose a novel microscopic mechanism of decoherence based on Kondo like traps and argue that within this model we can explain most features observed in the experiments.
